It bugged me that I hadn't finished the mowing yesterday, so after a couple of hours I put on one of my cloth masks and finished the job and was comfortable doing it. The dust will be with us for at least another week, and then the rain chance isn't huge, so I'll plan to wear a mask during yard work.
I have concluded the research on the Internet setup here - new modem and old working router and wanting to setup a remote backup. I've finally figured it out with the help of Reddit and someone trying to do the exact same thing.
Continuing the spring cleaning activities here. The first part of that is simply putting away stuff sitting around the house, and deciding if it is something to keep, donate, or sell. Maybe this will be a productive year if we're all able to draft off of Charmion's work as she prepares to sell and move and setup in a new place. Following along in her wake!