The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #172873   Message #4219367
Posted By: Donuel
18-Mar-25 - 12:56 PM
Thread Name: MOAB's Daughter (of all BS) part 3
Subject: RE: MOAB's Daughter (of all BS) part 3
"I seldom read any of Don’s meaningless, meandering nonsense"
Instead you rely on Steve Shaw's 10 year opinion.

I am not a martyr but am all American from the Ozarks to my first rodeo in Colorado when I was 7. High school and college was in NY and then Boston and DC. With a stepdad who taught Constitutional law I picked up a thing or two. More than half his family were killed in the Holocaust. Mom was an artist, real estate agent,anything she needed to be like an electrician, master gardener, bee keeper and antiquity restorer. So that's my influence having lived farm life, suburbs, and urban life. I've studied science all my life but my only scholarships came from music. i avoided military and CIA service, not wanting to serve death to anyone.

The great mysteries seem to involve having to go into the impossible to gain insight so I have retained my open-minded curiosity. Its been said 'for every person of insight there is an equal and opposite person without it'.

If anyone can present evidence of lying about my facts, present it.
As for nonsense there is no humor or joke without a touch of nonsense.

Thats me, but who is Eiesly?