The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #172700   Message #4219368
Posted By: GUEST,Some bloke
18-Mar-25 - 01:00 PM
Thread Name: need cheaper guitar strings!
Subject: RE: need cheaper guitar strings!
Generally I buy the types I like on Amazon when they are on offer, which I check if I’m on the app for anything else. It does mean I stockpile a bit but hey ho. I also buy a set in any music shop I happen to be in, to support them, regardless of price.

I do keep trying cheaper strings to find ones that I get on with but to be honest, I always drift back to Elixir and D’Addario XS, the latter being the only ones I find similar to my usage to the Elixir.   Their longer life before sounding dead balances the higher purchase price.

The issue with both types, being fully coated is that they look furry where I pluck or strum after a while but this in itself doesn’t alter the tone.   I change them when the sound starts getting a little flat.

Cost? Generally around £16 for either in 12-53 but a box of three sets of Elixir are often £32 if you keep checking. I also buy D’Addario baritone guitar, bouzouki, cittern and mandolin but not coated. They all get used less and last longer so I just pay the going rate as and when.