The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #172700   Message #4219376
Posted By: Tony Rees
18-Mar-25 - 02:42 PM
Thread Name: need cheaper guitar strings!
Subject: RE: need cheaper guitar strings!
As per guest.Ray above, I too once used to boil my strings as a poor student, back in the 1970s, as did others of my acquaintance. However since being told about it (with a very convincing demo!) by "someone" (name not now remembered) maybe 20 years ago, the string-snapping or slapping method has completely superseded it in my own environment. If I lived closer to Fred I would give him a private demo as well (however since I live in Australia and he probably does not, that might not happen). Here's an idea: try it on someone else's guitar first, if they are agreeable to having their sound "refreshed", and see how it goes. It is my belief that it will definitely produce a better sounding guitar in an instant, plus save you/them money as well (not purchasing new strings so often) which is the basis of this thread I believe!