The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #173957   Message #4219398
Posted By: DaveRo
19-Mar-25 - 03:41 AM
Thread Name: Tech: Linux networking help
Subject: RE: Tech: Linux networking help
I'd not heard of network bonding, so I read about it for my SuSE box:
Managing Network Bonding Devices
I found that Wicked only supports bonding of ethernet and infiniband. This is unsurprising - it's obviously a feature used by enterprises.
... to aggregate the wireless and wired LANs for resilience and throughput
If you can make it work I think it would only usefully provide active-backup, so resilience but not throughput. Unless your ethernet is very slow and your wifi very fast (and not contended) it can only slow it down.

I have a Debian laptop that uses ethernet if it's plugged in and otherwise wifi. It's a default network configuration. I don't know how it does it - I've never had to look.

My RaspberryPi music/backup/file server has wifi turned off.