The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #173957   Message #4219403
Posted By: Dave the Gnome
19-Mar-25 - 05:02 AM
Thread Name: Tech: Linux networking help
Subject: RE: Tech: Linux networking help
The wired and wireless downloads perform around the same when I run speed tests but the uploads are considerably better on wireless. As it is a media server I prefer the better upload speeds in the main. Yes, on reflection, I agree about the resilience rather than throughput. It is getting the IP address to switch from one adapter to the other that I am having issues with. I know from my days in High Availability (HP ServiceGuard was my speciality) you can have adapters with different IPs and then a virtual adapter with yet another IP that will sit on whichever network is up. If I cannot get it to work with the inbuilt tools I suppose I could script it but I prefer to not re-invent the wheel! :-)