The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #173796 Message #4219596
Posted By: Dave the Gnome
22-Mar-25 - 03:48 AM
Thread Name: Convicted felon US 47th President/ Musk Coup
Subject: RE: Convicted felon US 47th President/ Musk Coup
We keep hearing about the bad things he is doing and it is right that these should be called out and highlighted but how about some good news for a change. Surely there must be some wins - even little ones! Mention has been made of the courts overruling the executive orders and the actions of Musk's motley crew. How does that work? Is it working? If either the turnip or (f)Elon carry on after a court rules that what they are doing is illegal, can they be held in contempt of court? Is there anything going on in the Senate or Congress that is going to curb the recent excesses?
Reporting on anything that gives us hope for the future rather than just how bad things are getting would be a welcome change:-)