The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #173796   Message #4219610
Posted By: MaJoC the Filk
22-Mar-25 - 10:57 AM
Thread Name: Convicted felon US 47th President/ Musk Coup
Subject: RE: Convicted felon US 47th President/ Musk Coup
Apologies, Helen, but "stable genius" always makes me think that a stable is where the Runt-in-Chief belongs. (Was he using that top-secret bog paper as bedding?) What I was attempting to convey was that any self-respecting mirror would spontaneously shatter in shame, but I was rushed.

And as it happens, Donuel, there's a full-length article in this week's New European, warning of the addictive properties of Copium: a pernicious substance which causes its addicts to sit back and wait, looking for signs and portents that the Horrible Thing will explode/implode all on its own.

.... I'll leave it there for now, and seek solace in the Jokes thread.