Breakthrough, finally! I've struggled over a blog entry for days, trying to keep it short so readers would stay till the end, then realized the real problem was I'd buried the lede; once that was on top the rest flowed.
Still reading Junkyard Planet and am utterly amazed at the wealth of resources we have buried in our landfills. He has a more recent book (2019) called Secondhand: Travels in the New Global Garage Sale. I ordered a copy (used, of course!)
Keeping in mind my goal to empty out a lot of stuff by the time I pay off the house, will learning more about the secondhand market inspire or impede that work?
Rain coming up this week and after it passes I've arranged to pick up a couple of more plants at the friend's house where she's having shrubs dug up before the house sells. I also have a couple of potted trees to either plant myself (where?) or offer to others.