The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #50055   Message #4219715
Posted By: and e
24-Mar-25 - 02:48 PM
Thread Name: Lyr Req: Bow legged women
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Bow legged women
I can Sh it....Looking for someone to do the midi file for
a Old Time karaoke CDG, as I am keeper for the Songs, and cant play
harmonica or Acordian...can peck at guitar and piano, but neither
would do this song justice. Any one willing to assist me, would be
greatly appreciated: I am in SW AZ.

My grandfather James Patrick McGraw sang us that song always, sang it
once in the car, on the way from WA stated to SD for summer trip to
farm.......****for about 100 miles, looping the song - (Only two
verse's........and the OHHHHHHH, IIIII...would get longer each time
until Grandma said G** Damn* it must shut up....(he also
played the acordian or mouth harp with it) and he replied...Mother...I
am just trying to entertain the children......LOL.....She wanted to
hurt him...LOL

1. The words are:
Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh, IIIIIIIIII..............Love to go swimmin' with bow legged women, I do, I do I do.......!
I love to go swimmin' with bow legged women, don't you , don't you , dont you................!

I love to go swimmin'......... I do, I do...... with bow legged women, don't you, don't you.......
I love to go swimming with bow legged women I do, I do I dooooo.................!

2. Love to go swimmin', with bow legged women and swim between their legs...............!
I love to go swimming with bow legged women and swim between their legs...............!

CHORUS: I love to go swimmin'......... I do, I do...... with bow legged women, dont you, dont you.......
I love to go swimming with bow legged women I do, I do I dooooo..................!

{Now back to verse one (1) and you just keep going until someone
want's to hurt you, as you get bawdy and bawdier with the:

....AS Each time it is getting longer and Longer..........!!!!

This was also I have heard, a song that Popey the Sailor man sang,
(Cartoon character from long ago. Hope that helped. I am looking for
the midi file , as I dont play either the mouth harp or the accordion
as I am doing a Karaoke CDG for a family reunion, as about a hundred
of us are re visitng Letcher SD this July to bury grandman, Imo Jean
just last fall at 98. Grandpa, bless him passed in the late 70's. and
I am the keeper of his songs......! come see the whole family at my
you tube channel:

Posted by GUEST to the RE: Lyr/Chords Req: Bowlegged Women thread on March 7, 2010.
Formatted for readability.

See here: