The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #32259   Message #422825
Posted By: katlaughing
21-Mar-01 - 08:24 PM
Thread Name: More Bizarre Moments
Subject: RE: More Bizarre Moments
Back to Bill D.'s last post in the longer thread: in esoteric studies of the Cosmic, people have a lot of trouble with the impersonal nature of the Cosmic. Because of humankind's free will, the Cosmic/God/whatever does not intervene if we do something that is based solely on our own will. This bothers the heck out of those people whom Bill cited saying God saved them from plane wrecks, etc.

In my studies and experience, there is protection and prosperity, the Cosmic is infinite in abundance uneffected by time, space, etc. It does not go or flow into and out of a life which is unaware or not open. Even those who are open to such will still have a balance of their own doing. It takes such a tremendous surrendering, that of the Buddha or Jesus, to truly turn one's life over to the Cosmic/God/Allah etc. that it rarely occurs. Instead people muddle along, do the best they can, or not, and blame it on God/Cosmic or claim Divine Specialness.

The impersonal nature of the Cosmic, IMO, is the conundrum. A rock, my enemy, a flower, an ant is equally as important to the Cosmic as me. Therefore, when I petition the Cosmic for needs, or desires for myself or others, I am always mindful to ask for "this or something better for the highest good of all concerned" because I believe that is turning it over to the Cosmic, which to me means the All-Knowing Universe. What IT may know as BEST for all concerned may NOT be what I want or feel I need, but I will accept the outcome and try to learn from it. This is what ties into Native American spirituality for me, that the Cosmic is within everything and cares as much for the earth and her critters as it does we humans.

People like my brother get angry at the Cosmic and storm around asking "why didn't they help me with this, etc. They must not care at all about me". When I remind him that he has to not doubt and be open, he doesn't hear. He cannot accept that there might be a Diety which doesn't have an all-consuming interest in him and him alone; that his own free will has put him exactly where he is and that God/Cosmic etc. had nothing to do with it.

It's rather like a child who's tied their parents' hands behind their back, told them not to say anything and then the child does all manner of things expecting the parents to watch out for them and take care if something happens. Because the parents are tied up and admonished to be silent, the child falls into trouble, then blames the parent. A little simple, but it gets my point across, I hope.

Of course all of the above is based solely on my own studies and experiences and I do NOT in anyway expect any of you to agree, endorse, bow down, or worship me in any way!**BG** (It's a JOKE!)
