The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #32276   Message #423095
Posted By: Mrrzy
22-Mar-01 - 09:16 AM
Thread Name: Why not play ragtime, piano players?
Subject: Why not play ragtime, piano players?
I have questions for the Greater Mudcat Community, in particular its pianists.

I love piano. Especially I like Scott Joplin's piano rags. However, it is my experience that nobody (that is real persons I meet, not fancy professionals on TV or what-have-you) who knows how to play the piano plays ragtime. When I ask, I get either "I don't play ragtime" or "I can't play ragtime" - So one question is, why not? I mean, it SOUNDS incredibly difficult - is that it? Or is it that nobody but me likes that kind of piano music? I guess I'm asking which is more common, can't or won't... just curious, but it's musical musings so I didn't use BS.