The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #32257   Message #423682
Posted By: Bearheart
22-Mar-01 - 08:49 PM
Thread Name: Anybody into dousing ley lines?
Subject: RE: Anybody into dousing ley lines?
Thanks to everyone, especially Katlaughing and Mountain Dog for interesting info and references. A subject I am very interested in.

In this area (northern reach of the Appalachians-- very southern OH) a couple of local folks make their living dowsing for water. If you don't hit water at the depth/at the site they indicate, you don't pay them. Needless to say only the good ones stay in business.

Why is it so popular? Three reasons: 1)It's a very old tradition, since the time of the first European settlers, and has been passed down through the generations. 2) Many people around here can't afford to pay to have wells drilled unless it's a sure thing. It's worth it to them to have a dowser find water and to find it as close to the surface as possible (that's part of what they are paying him/her for.) 3)If you get a good dowser, it works. Even my uncle (biggest skeptic in the world) was convinced after seeing a local man dowse for water on his own property.

In 1980 my husband and I met through a mutual friend. He and his 8 year old daughter were taking her ESP class. Maia, the 8-year old , correctly dowsed all the water mains on the Ohio University south Green (where a large number of dorms and other buildings are situated). (She has also always been able to beat anyone at Clue, in less than 6 plays of the cards.)

But no first hand knowledge of ley lines.
