The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #32259   Message #423776
Posted By: wysiwyg
22-Mar-01 - 11:36 PM
Thread Name: More Bizarre Moments
Subject: Bizarre Moments & Snow Nuns! Letters from PY
Are you tawkin to ME? ARE YOU TAWKIN'DUH ME?

The translator died long ago. It came back to life briefly but you missed it and I have wrestled it to the ground again, this time I hope for GOOD.

Here's a bizarre moment. (Why get these from the papers? Have yer own!) I was up at the spring today and there were NUNS all along the damn road!

Here's the report:


"I had to fetch water this afternoon, but it was not good fetching conditions, or so I thought.

"As I drove I thought, dang, it DID rain snowballs last night! There they all were, stuck on the trees, even so late in the day. The leafbare thin-fingers had held on all day, but a few along the road had lost their frozen grip finally. Below these, lying on the heaved-up blacktop, were small snowballs piled like cannonballs at a Civil War re-enactment.

"Up to the spring the pullover was all snow, but slushy. I had me the good boots though. I got out of the car, doors open to hear the music I had been blasting, and went in back for the water can. The next song on the tape cued up as I looked over at the runoff separating me from the outflow pipe. 'Wa-a-a-a-a-de in the Wa-a-a-a-ter!' The footing was actually OK but at the last I did slip and I did wade out.

"I drove down the back way and saw this-- snowladen pines lining the curving downhill road. Their broad boughs were so bent with the weight of snowball rain that they looked exactly like virgins in the white garb of the novitiate, standing primly in line to get into the 'roadside shrine' I'd just left!

"No doubt you will be relieved to know that among the quiet, uniform obedience, a few had shrugged off their robes to proudly display their green, springy, natural selves.

"I thought of laughing over this with you as I sang, 'Alouette'."
