The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #32259   Message #423896
Posted By: Naemanson
23-Mar-01 - 06:22 AM
Thread Name: More Bizarre Moments
Subject: RE: More Bizarre Moments
The Darwin awards are based on bizarre events. For more of them slip over to

No bizarre events in my life. Either I lead a dull existence or I have lower standards than you guys. What is bizarre to you may not be so to me.

Except this morning...

We woke to snow. The news listed local cancellations but did not include my 17 year old daughter's school. She watched intently for news of her school's closing and (this is the bizarre part) when she realized it wasn't there she got all excited and danced around the living room singing! Then she got a call from a classmate telling her that school WAS closed after all and she got all disappointed.

Bizarre enough for you?