The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #32319   Message #424981
Posted By: Rick Fielding
24-Mar-01 - 02:56 PM
Thread Name: Lyr Req: The End of the World (Skeeter Davis)
Subject: RE: Pop Lyric?:Don't They Know It's the End
Thanks for the research Peter and Gurn. Spaw, I suspect she got in trouble more than once....sounds like one INTERESTING woman. Reminds me a little bit of when Sinead O'Connor 'dissed the Pope on Saturday Nite Live.

These women had guts (whether you agree with their stance or not) unlike me when I poured crazy glue into the juke box at the Royal York Hotel...a REAL protester would have explained the next night from the stage exactly WHY the customers couldn't get Grand Funk Railroad outta the machine!
