The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #32379   Message #425056
Posted By: JeZeBeL
24-Mar-01 - 04:46 PM
Thread Name: BS: Im b****y ill again, someone cheer me up
Subject: Im b****y ill again, someone cheer me up
MY GODDESS!! Why does it always have to be me, and you know what......this time it's the big one, glandular fever......urrrghh!! I feel like XXXX to put it mildly, and to top it all my parents will let me go to work but I'm not allowed to go and play music on an evening, with all my friends at the jug.....I'm confined to the house for god knows how many weeks, and to top it all I'm clostrophobic!! I feel like I'm well enough to go play music bit my parents are arguing otherwise. I say it cheers me up and helps me get through it. I'm very much a people person. I love them. I'll talk to complete strangers if needs be, and so I can't stand it when I can't be around them. I get very depressed and that is not a good thing at this present time. How do I make my parents understand this, I mean, im 20!! Should I not be allowed to make my own decisions? I know its best in the long run, blah, blah, blah, but what can I say.......

If anyone has any amusing stories they would like to tell me, feel free, or just post any old bs on here, JUST PLEASE SOMEONE CHEER ME UP!! ARRRGH.....I DON'T KNOW HOW MUCH LONGER I CAN TAKE IT!!