The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #32401   Message #425426
Posted By: Dave Wynn
25-Mar-01 - 06:28 PM
Thread Name: BS: Good people Bad people......Same people?
Subject: Good people Bad people......Same people?
During my re-evaluation process (I am currently undergoing a personality evaluation process...***heavy irony warning***) I have noticed that more than one person tells me I have different attitudes and moods when they communicate with me.

This is obviously their problem because I know that I am so stable and understanding at all times (even under extreme pressure) that I should have been either a demi-God , Sainted or I am non of these it concerns me that perhaps there may be a micron of truth in their opinions.

Is this a normal reaction to negative criticism (never had any before!!)...and more importantly does everyone have such mood swings and how does one deal with them?
