The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #7059   Message #42545
20-Oct-98 - 02:23 PM
Thread Name: Mudcat (THE WORLD)Let us know where you are.
Subject: RE: Mudcat (THE WORLD)Let us know where you are.
Hi from Appalacia My name is Mike Thieken. Don't try to pronounce it unless you know German; Else I will think you're a salesperson. Which is OK if you'r on the Cat.(The hi is silent)

I'm new to the Mudcat (around April) but it's at the top of my bookmarks. I live in southeast Ohio, just inside the boundries of Appalacia. Spent my childhood on a small farm near the Ohio River. One of ten children of a great fiddle player who would let me use his fiddle when I was 6 years old. I doubt I'll ever be as good as him and will probably never make grocery money with my talent, but it's still my first love. Also play Guitar and Mando.

We don't wory about the weather in Ohio cause it will change by tomorrow. Twas sunny and 78 Sunday, the forcast is for high of 40 and snow Thursday. "The leaves are turning and falling in showers of gold."

After spending most of my growing years playing rythem guitar for my Dad. I now play and sing with a wonderfull group "Home Remedy", which as we put it, "are dedicated to the music that celebrates the Joys and Trials of living in Appalacia".

Thanks for being there! Mike T.