Rick, as far as the rights go, the best quote I heard is "The Constitution is not a mutual suicide pact", or words along those lines. Which is a more formal way of Phil's saying "Your rights to wave your fists around stops at my nose". Or in other words, do what you want so long as it doesn't hurt other ppl.The thing is, none of us really mind ppl with different opinions to ourselves, not if we're reasonably intelligent and broadminded (OK, I score on the second one anyway ;-) But what we do mind is dishonesty and hypocrisy. If you wish to preserve the rights of ppl not to be raped, for instance, then you _must_ support action against rapists. Whether you believe they must be locked up, rehabilitated, given counselling, whatever - but you CANNOT condone it. It's also possible (as in the case of many victims of domestic abuse) for the abused person to be abusive themselves when they grow up. In this case, by all means provide support for the person to sort this out - maybe that'll stop them reoffending - but this isn't an excuse to let them continue abusing ppl.