The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #32410   Message #425874
Posted By: Rick Fielding
26-Mar-01 - 12:44 PM
Thread Name: When you disagree with your 'group'...
Subject: RE: When you disagree with your 'group'...
Dammit Art, what I wouldn't give to have my parents alive for ONE MINUTE! Just to let them see that:

A. I'm not in jail.

B. You CAN (sort of) earn a living in folk music.

C. Even though it appeared to them that I NEVER listened to a word they said....I actually listened to EVERYTHING, and am so much the better for it!

Spaw, (and everyone else...'cause I really think highly of all of you right now) that's the key. "Judgement calls". I wish more folks would make individual Judgement calls, on individual issues.

If I can use one more example (based on friend Mick's post)

For thirty plus years I've sung for left/labour get-togethers. Almost always ended with "Solidarity Forever"......but I DON'T believe in "solidarity without accountability" (oh well, there go THOSE gigs if the wrong person sees this!) The lefty rallies and get-togethers are markedly different from the "Labour" ones. At lefty ones, the folks are often Professional, University educated, and literate to a fault. Nobody would think of making any statement that could be seen as a value judgement. There certainly is no (overt) smoking or joke-telling, or even swearing. Playing for a meeting of the Steel Workers Union is entirely different. Lots of drinking, rough (and to some) offensive humour (believe me) and in general a real mis-trust of the "egg-head left". And yet...the MUSICAL MATERIAL is the same, and both groups are supposed to be on the same page. Believe me, when someone from the "political left" speaks, they don't bring up "gay issues" or similar causes (that we're ALL supposed to care about) I guess I'm not the only one with this dillema.
