The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #32420   Message #425919
Posted By: Chris Flint
26-Mar-01 - 01:28 PM
Thread Name: Lyr Req: The first and last man
Subject: Lyr Add: THE FIRST AND LAST MAN (Ralph McTell)

F6 G C
I am your noble savage
F6 G C
But to me I am a man
F6 G C
The father of my sons
F6 G C Am Am7/G BASS Fm7 Em F
And the server of my woman
G F6 C
La la la la la la la

And I have made my bow
I take only what I need
I am the maker of fire
And the planter of seed

And I learned an order in things
And I teach my children
For each seed a star
To each son a generation

I have no time for freedom
Barefoot I run on the forest leaves
There is pain in birth
But for the dead I do not grieve

I have cut marks on my body
There is a beauty in pain
And a sadness in joy
Like death and the sunset

I am the willing heathen
I worship everything
I will add new words to my language
But write them on the wind

I am the maker of music
And the reader of the heavens
I am the worker of magic
And the fearer of storms

I am the writer in sand
I am the first and last man
And if I could read the future
I would ask you not to come

Words copied from 'Ralph McTell' Essex Music International Ltd pub 1972


HTML line breaks and capitals added. --JoeClone, 6-Jun-02.