The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #32401   Message #426177
Posted By: Dave Wynn
26-Mar-01 - 06:49 PM
Thread Name: BS: Good people Bad people......Same people?
Subject: RE: BS: Good people Bad people......Same people?
Thanks to you all....I am now cured.....It's a miracle I tell you....While I was readin'the thread a group of people appeared and took me to a screw for the terminally placed where I was subjected to drug therapy. Thanks Guys....I don't think I could have made it without you all.

I know drugs arn't the answer but while I am takin' em things all look clear. Hey Catspaw...You described my fantasy world like you have visited....

Now I will revert to being my almost perfect , balanced self. All my future postings will be devoid of mood swing and be the epitome of clarity and focus.

Yes please Bagpuss...I am interested in this reversal therory so if you want to make it public or send me private it would be cool with me (see... nearly there already)

As for that Dave the Gnome.....what does he know anyway...
