The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #32401   Message #427104
Posted By: Amos
27-Mar-01 - 09:38 PM
Thread Name: BS: Good people Bad people......Same people?
Subject: RE: BS: Good people Bad people......Same people?

No telling how deep! And it would depend on how the "problem" came up and was approached. I think anywone who asserts that all people are goodness and light, only sometimes in a confusion, as though they'd lost their shopping list or something, is itoo naive for words. People get into Bad Mojo, bad personae, dramtizations of bad and overwhelming identities they have been steamrollered by, obsessive preoccupation with being right instead of discovering the truth, covering up and covering over pasts of pain recieved and pain delivered ... there's a huge inventory of bad ingredients, and some of them are a lot heavier than a transient confusion. The underlying truth, I believe, is that the core creature is where the best goodness is. But that's a belief of choice on my part. I've seen people change for the better; and I have seen others whpo didn't. Come to think of it, I have even seen some folks get worse. The thing I think is really interesting is what kinds of experiences bring about positive personality shifts.