The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #400   Message #42720
Posted By: Marie Henault, de Montreal
21-Oct-98 - 07:27 PM
Thread Name: Req/ADD: French folk songs
Subject: RE: French Canadian Folk Songs
When I was little (35 years ago), my greatgrandmother, Eva Lefebvre, had a book of French Canadian folk songs from a few hundred years ago - when the French came to Canada. I remember: Meunier, Tu dors. Ton moulin va trop vite. Meunier, Tu dors. Ton moulin va trop fort. Ton moulin ton moulin ton moulin va trop vite, ton moulin ton moulin ton moulin va trop fort. Also, Alouette; Au clair de la lune; Le petit mousse - which I barely remember - had to do with drawing the short straw. And one with Mironton Mironton Mirontaine: ?? s-en va-t-en guerre, Mironton ...

Si vous pouvez continuer, aidez-moi. If you can pick it up, please help me.
