The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #3532   Message #427768
Posted By: Erica Smith
28-Mar-01 - 02:56 PM
Thread Name: young folkies?
Subject: RE: young folkies?
Joy, how funny -- you started this thread on my birthday -- 29. I started hanging out with you and your wicked, delightful homies 5 years ago. I know tons of young people outside of Pinewoods who love trad stuff -- I'm throwing it in their faces all the time! Little do they know, i'm just apeing what I hear from you guys, changing it (ahem) here and there . . . you oughta hear my P-funk version of "Johnny Come Down to Hilo."

Anywho . . .

The only conclusion I've come to about attracting the young'uns, at least in NYC, is to be where the action is, outside of the trad scene. Props to the Board for moving the open mic to Triad. I wouldn't have happened across you kids in the first place if you hadn't been at Fast Folk, which was a pretty popular hangout.

I did not grow up with trad folk. I learn everything from you. And I only found you because you were "out there," in the places where people hang around.

So glad I checked the Mudcat today.

love, Erica