The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #32479   Message #427825
Posted By: Naemanson
28-Mar-01 - 04:04 PM
Thread Name: BS: Did We really land on the Moon?
Subject: RE: BS: Did We really land on the Moon?
I haven't bothered to read all that hooey about the hoax. I only know that I have worked in the Federal Government for over 20 years and have come away with one fact.

Our Government is entirely unable to keep a secret. All that stuff about the secret service and the FBI and the CIA and the "covert" operations is pure unadulterated donkey dust. If there were aliens at Roswell, if the moon landings were faked, if they really knew about the face on Mars, then we would too.

The only way anyone can keep a secret for sure is if only one person knows it. Two people MIGHT be able to keep a secret. Three people and there is no secret. Hundreds and even thousands of people and you might as well hire a sky writer.