The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #32276   Message #428301
Posted By: Bernard
29-Mar-01 - 08:50 AM
Thread Name: Why not play ragtime, piano players?
Subject: RE: Why not play ragtime, piano players?
Yes - George Botsford wrote the Winifred Attwell classic 'Black & White Rag', also used on British TV for the snooker program 'Pot Black'.

I can't just remember - did he also write 'Powder Rag' which was adapted (and significantly changed!) by Aurora Block for guitar? I play the original version, 'cos it's better!

I'm glad that Ragtime is making a 'comeback' in folk clubs - I learned most of my stuff over 25 years ago, but found people didn't appreciate it. Nowadays I get thunderous applause - they seem to know, now, that it's hard to play even though it looks easy if played properly.

I'm not keen on the 'mechanical' players - note perfect, and metronome accurate. It's too clinical, and loses some of the spontaneity that is the very essence of ragtime.

Yes, the bass line and accompaniment (generally piano left hand or guitar right thumb) needs to be rock steady, but the syncopated melody needs to have a swing to it - it needs to 'float' independently of the bass.

When ragtime is written down, the notes are an indication of how to play it, but the performer needs to add in the 'soul' - his/her own interpretation.

At least, that's how I see it!!