The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #32564   Message #428862
Posted By: catspaw49
29-Mar-01 - 08:17 PM
Thread Name: Origins: The World is Old (Laurence Housman)
Subject: RE: The World is Old- request info
Hi Jean.........Are you looking for background/history type info or what? I doubt you are looking for the words!!!(:<))

BTW, line breaks are done here by placing one of these < and then a br then one of these > .....See the FAQ Teal thread for an example of all the html stuff that gets used or needed here. Here's your first verse re-done...I think.........

The world is old tonight, the world is old
The stars around the fold do show their light,
Do show their light;
And so they did, and so, a thousand years ago,
And so will do, good lads, when we lie cold.
