The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #32569   Message #428887
29-Mar-01 - 09:04 PM
Thread Name: 'Good Morning Captain
Subject: 'Good Morning Captain
Request a tape of my 1957 record "Good Morning Captain"
"TETRA" LABEL, 45 rpm OR 78 rpm.
This is the only one of my records that I don't have a copy of in any format. Name on record label is :"Joe D. Gibson." mY STUPID EX manager didn't think that "Jody" was a real name. It was only distributed in New England, NY, NJ.and Penn. It sold 400,000 so there must be one around somewhere. The record itself would be a real nice surprise for which I'll pay 10 of ny latest CD"s
Jody Gibson
36 Charles St Apt 4.
Newport, RI 02849