The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #32572   Message #428901
Posted By: Paul G.
29-Mar-01 - 09:49 PM
Thread Name: St. Augustine FL this wknd
Subject: St. Augustine FL this wknd
Hello All:

Quite a weekend in historic St. Augustine this week. King Juan Carlos of Spain will be in for a visit to the nations oldest city -- important because of the long Spanish occupation of the City,,and just in time for the King's visit -- the ACLU is organizing a march to protest the City Council's passage of an ordinance which bans street artists (including musicians) from historic St. George Street. This will occur on Sunday. At the same time my band (The Ashley Gang) will be performing at the St. Francis Inn coutyard (2 - 6 pm)-- which is immediately off of St. George Street. Maybe the King will show up. Should be interesting. Anybody in the vicinity is encouraged to stop by and say hello (to the King, the marchers, or to us)...
