The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #32592   Message #429356
Posted By: Mark Clark
30-Mar-01 - 01:00 PM
Thread Name: BS: Concert Gloat
Subject: Concert Gloat
Buddy Guy is in C.R. tonight. Of course I have tickets. I've seen Buddy several times before but I always look forward to seeing him again.

We also have tickets to see Ani DeFranco here on Arpil 19. It will be the first time seeing her in concert. Rumor is that Greg Brown may show up as well.

Unfortunately, I will have to pass on Leo Kotke, April 12. It's Holy Week and I can't work it in. Sure would like to see Leo again.

When you live out here, you're glad to see anyone show up to play. Just had to gloat.

      - Mark