The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #32564   Message #430087
Posted By: kytrad (Jean Ritchie)
31-Mar-01 - 02:30 PM
Thread Name: Origins: The World is Old (Laurence Housman)
Subject: RE: The World is Old- request info
My heartfelt thanks to all of you for your research, suggestions and compliments... my own search has covered many, many years, so I knew it wouldn't be easy. Spaw- the sister was Pauline, twelfth in line from the top (I'm the end, # 14). No, I'm fairly certain she did not write it herself, nor did I. Stewie- Yes, I had thought it might be a poem set to music, but the lyric & melody seem almost "of a piece" to me; I can just see the shepherds sitting round a fire, and one of them saying these words, the tune kind of falling on them(the words) as he goes. And I love that second verse, especially, "and so will do, my love, when we like will" (like wool lie white). I think the word structure contributes to the fact (or the feeling) that it's a very old piece. McGrath of Harlowe- That's what made me remember the song; I was a very small child when I first heard Pauline sing it, then the whole family sang it, and "the hairs stood up on my neck," and the song moved in and never left me.

When we were recording "Kentucky Christmas-Old & New," I wanted to give a source for "The World is Old," and realized that I was the only one who knew it now!

So, everybody, thanks for trying- maybe some day.....Jean