The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #32672   Message #430918
Posted By: Rick Fielding
02-Apr-01 - 12:05 AM
Thread Name: Your absolute BEST audience ever!
Subject: Your absolute BEST audience ever!
Since I recounted a pretty weird story in the "worst" audience thread, here's one that started out equally harrowing but really left me (and hopefully the audience) feeling good.

I often used to play Hospitals, and would go from ward to ward, but would get a trifle shy when visiting the Alzheimer's patients. (there was a fascinating thread on this a few weeks ago) My mother-in-law in Glasgow has had the last 15 years of her life taken away by this horrid condition, and although I'd read extensively on the subject, I was still uneasy. Perhaps it was because most simply didn't react at all to the music, and I was never sure if what I was playing was appropriate or not. One time a nurse said to me, "Why are you so polite when you come in here? The patients hear everyone having a good time in the other wards, but in here you sing so quietly".

Bingo. She was right. I started doing sing-alongs from the twenties and thirties,(loudly) and you could just feel the energy they (most of 'em) sang along! Great fun. I wish I'd clicked in sooner.

Any really good audience experiences?
