The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #32672   Message #430925
Posted By: Big Mick
02-Apr-01 - 12:25 AM
Thread Name: Your absolute BEST audience ever!
Subject: RE: Your absolute BEST audience ever!
Yep, and since I posted on the last one, I thought I would post here too. But wear a damn surgical mask so you don't spread that crud you got here........LOL.

It occurred a couple of weeks ago. The Wednesday before St. Pat's. We had just got the word that our time with Jim Goldsmith was short. We had been asked to come and perform at the Welcome Home For the Blind in Grand Rapids. Obviously we were a bit distracted, but it took about 5 minutes with these folks to realize a fundamental truth. Have you ever wanted to perform your music for people that absolutely came to hear every word, who hung on every nuance? As I told a joke, or gave a little history, or "set up" the mood we were after for a song, these wonderful people who could only rely on our set up, and then our interpretation through their ears would respond. It was pure and wonderful, and they were great. At the end of the performance every single person came up to us and thanked us for a wonderful visit. And one older woman came up to me and was talking and she had an accent that I recognized as Dutch. She told us all about her kids, grandkids and her dear departed husband. So we sat her down and performed The Dutchman just for her. She was wonderful and as I sang the verses she would say "Yep, that's how it is". When I started the verse "The Dutchman still wears wooden shoes......" she said outloud, "I have a pair in my room". Pure magic. And she said, "you boys do that pretty good....".......well, all I can say is that we were sated.......Great fun. Can't wait to play for them again.

All the best,
