The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #7180   Message #43104
Posted By:
24-Oct-98 - 05:12 PM
Thread Name: TALL TALES & other lies...
Subject: TALL TALES & other lies...

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TALL TALES---lies told on purpose are a distinctly American (no offense intended Canadians) art form. On the frontier it was a way to belittle the immensity of nature and laugh at the dangers of wilderness life. Johnny Carson used to say, "Whew, it sure is cold today" and the audience used to say, in unison, "How cold was it??" Then Johnny might say something like, "It was so cold I saw a fellow chipping his dog off a fire hydrant!"

(rim shot from the drummer)

So we in this modern world carry on the tradition. Sometimes they're long and drawn out; sometimes just one-liners(as above). Topics like the WEATHER, larger than life BIG PEOPLE & HEROICS (sometimes originally created for advertising purposes like Paul Bunyan), GEOGRAPHY (specific areas generated tales to make living in those places easier--laughing at the hard stuff was essential), FANTASTIC CREATURES AND ANIMALS- (They caught deer on cold nights by putting salt on the rails. Their tongues would freeze to the rails and hold 'em for us.), GENERAL TALL TALES (He was so old his birthday cake set off the smoke alarm. or---My uncle had a wooden leg---from the knee up. His wife died of terminal slivers. or---I see that Captain Hook died today. It was jock itch.)

Yep, some cross the line these days, and one cannot tell 'em from jokes. Exageration and cleverness seem to be the only real criterion.

This started in another thread & I figured it was time to branch off.

Have Fun,

Art Thieme