The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #32672   Message #431167
Posted By: Peg
02-Apr-01 - 10:19 AM
Thread Name: Your absolute BEST audience ever!
Subject: RE: Your absolute BEST audience ever!
Wow, Kendall you played on the Today Show?

Lucky you got there before that obnoxious weather man who encourages people to stand out in the cold for hours so they can wave to the camera...

well, I am not sure it was the best audience; must give that some thought; but one of the most thrilling audiences was the thousands of people at the Parliament of the World's Religions in Chicago in 1993. I was in a pagan choral ensemble at the time, and we'd been invited to perform in the main concert. His Holiness in Exile the Dalai Lama was sitting in the front row....