The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #32672   Message #431203
Posted By: RichM
02-Apr-01 - 11:21 AM
Thread Name: Your absolute BEST audience ever!
Subject: RE: Your absolute BEST audience ever!
My favorite place to play here in Ottawa, Canada, is Saint Vincent's Hospital. It's a chronic care facility for people with severe physical disabilities.

Each time we have performed,there is one 60ish man who spontaneously jumps out of his wheelchair, silently demands eye contact with one of us, and does 30 seconds of frantic and joyful dancing...then he has to rest until another song catches him up, and away he goes again!

And there's the middleaged woman, who is wheeled into the hall in her bed---who loves to dance! The volunteer who is with her pushes her around the floor in time to the music. And all during this, the patient has a beautiful angelic smile on her face, her arms waving in time to the music.

Just love all the folks there!

Rich McCarthy