The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #32564   Message #431535
Posted By: kytrad (Jean Ritchie)
02-Apr-01 - 06:02 PM
Thread Name: Origins: The World is Old (Laurence Housman)
Subject: RE: The World is Old- request info
Hey, I'm flabbergasted and thrilled at such dilligence and concern- my sincere thanks to all of you researchers... you know, it won't be a tragedy if we never find it, but it's been bothering my mind for so long! I think though that if it CAN be found, it will be through the efforts of this team.

A good idea about writing to Wellesley; maybe I'll do that, or any of you can, if you like. And- I was at Wagnalls' Memorial less than two years ago, and never did I dream that they had that kind of a library. Live & learn!