The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #32553   Message #431708
Posted By: Spud Murphy
02-Apr-01 - 11:26 PM
Thread Name: Alaska Folk Festival, in Juneau April 7-13 2008
Subject: RE: Alaska Folk Festival, in Juneau
Can't, Ebbie. I am of an age and degree of obsolesence where it's best to plan only one trip at a time and we've got three grandkids in Colorado Springs (adoptive) that we've never seen.

In the mid sixties someone came up with the idea to use one of the three Southeastern ferries (Malaspina, Tustemena, Matanuska) for housing for the legislators. That idea was squelched quick. Look up the archives of the Juneau Empire and you can read all about it.

The Columbia was on the drawing board when I was in charge of the Marine Highway System (Commissioner of Public Works) I approved the preliminary design drawings. The Columbia replaced the Wickersham, a foreign bottom that operated on a waiver of the Jones Act, previously called The Stenna Britanica and used in North Sea Ferry Service. I acted as the agent for the State of Alaska in the selection, Coast Guard inspection and approval and finally, her purchase and acquisition. I was back in Fairbanks working for my old firm when she finally went into serice. She was a beautiful ship. But oh, what a terrible name for her. Judge Wickersham was a great man and a true Alaskan, but better he should have buildings or mountains or such named after him. Not anything as lovely as a ship of the Stenna Britanica's class. I'm glad they returned to naming the ferries after glaciers.
