The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #4518   Message #431820
Posted By: JudeL
03-Apr-01 - 05:25 AM
Thread Name: Origins: Do ye ken John Peel?
Subject: RE: Do ye ken John Peel?
According to a 40 year old copy of "the readers encyclopedia" the old english hunting song "Do you ken John Peel" was one of the songs echoed throughout "Finnegan's Wake" by James Joyce

Also in that book it says that Sir Robert Peel (1788-1850) English statesman. First lord of treasury, chancellor of exchequer, and prime minister. Reorganised Bank of England, initiated reforms in Ireland, supported free trade and emancipation of the Jews. As cheif secretary for Ireland(1812-1818) he instituted the Irish constabulary, from which came the nickname "peelers", afterwards also applied to the London police, who are also called "bobbies". - all in all sounds like he stuck his finger in a lot of pies.