The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #32687   Message #432098
Posted By: harpmolly
03-Apr-01 - 11:54 AM
Thread Name: Napster rival formed
Subject: RE: Napster rival formed
Sorry, Alex. ;)

(But really, come on..."All your gods are evil manifestations of Satan! Bah! But just incidentally, we're turning February 2 into St. Brigid's Day. Not that it has anything to do with the goddess Brigid whose feast just happens to be on that day, whom you are still forbidden to worship...happy coincidence, that...")

Incorporating indigenous religions is a great thing. But first completely discrediting that religion, then sneaking bits and pieces of it into your own sub rosa to make it more appealing to the heathens, strikes me as unsportsmanlike. ;)

Okay, no more thread creep, I promise. I retire.