The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #32672   Message #432686
Posted By: GUEST,Phil Cooper
03-Apr-01 - 11:09 PM
Thread Name: Your absolute BEST audience ever!
Subject: RE: Your absolute BEST audience ever!
One of my peak memories of a performance was the set Margaret and I did for the Memphis Dulcimer Festival in 1999. The hall was packed, the lights were set great, the sound was great as well. Larkin Bryant Cohen introduced us by saying we sang ballads, and not the kind you think of when someone thinks of jazz standards. We went out and sang our half hour set and thought we'd better include a ballad, after that intro (we usually don't do one of the big ones during a short set)so Margaret sang our version of "Lord Gregory". The audience reaction kept us buzzed for days. On the other end of the spectrum I did a couple shows for an adult mentally handicapped shelter workshop years ago (when I did solo things)and the response was about as heartfelt and genuine as anything you could want. They laughed at my jokes and really appreciated the finer nuances of Pat Sky's "I Don't Want you Hangin' Round."