The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #32710   Message #432958
Posted By: GUEST,Midchuck upstairs
04-Apr-01 - 10:02 AM
Thread Name: BS: So what do you eat when depressed?
Subject: RE: BS: So what do you eat when depressed?
I have the same reaction to people who try to stop me from using "depression" to mean simply "feeling sad" as I do to people who try to stop me from using "gay" to mean "happy and frivolous" or from using the male third person pronoun to include both sexes when I'm talking about any one of a group which may include both sexes - to wit:

"Look, s***-for-brains, this is the way I learned the language, from my English teachers in school as well as from reading, and it's the way I'm going to go on using it as long as I live and can speak. If you don't like it, go p*** up a rope."

Of course, I'm too inhibited to say so in those terms - but that's my secret thought...


P. S., in answer to the original question - whatever I can find, that I like. But Clinton probably had the most constructive suggestion.
