The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #32743   Message #433059
Posted By: catspaw49
04-Apr-01 - 12:27 PM
Thread Name: BS: United States BASHING Available HERE!!!!
Subject: RE: BS: United States BASHING Available HERE!!!!
Well Sins my dear.....It isNYC. And truthfully, NYC should be a state unto itself.....maybe a separate country. I think we have gone for so long now with the state concept based on old deeds and the like, its time we scrap the whole thing and gerrymander up some new divisions and states that made sense.

Think about it folks. Have you been to Charleston, S.C.? It has NOTHING to do, no similarities at all, with the rest of the state. For that matter, neither does Jacksonville to Florida, Virginia Beach to Virginia, etc. Why not go about 30 miles inland from Jacksonville to Virginia Beach and make that a state? Take southern Georgia, northern Florida, and L.A. (lower Alabama) and make that a it "Cracker." Take the whole area of central Florida and call it "Mickey." Why not make the "Rust Belt" from Pittsburgh to Milwaukee and form a new state there?

The possibilities are out there to put groupings together that actually have things in common. Just a thought.......
