The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #32815   Message #433747
Posted By: BeauDangles
05-Apr-01 - 11:02 AM
Thread Name: Songs for a Broken Heart
Subject: Songs for a Broken Heart
Hi, Mudcatters...

I have been away from the 'Cat for a while. Mostly just living life and working too hard. One really important part of my life for the past year has been a woman named Christine.

We came together under challenging circumstances. We fell in love. We healed each other of some long-standing wounds. We dared to dream of a life together, dancing, playing music, making babies. She was extraordinary. And I have never known anyone like her. I had never allowed myself to love, or to be loved, so deeply.

But something in her heart changed. I think we got too close for her comfort, and she began to withdraw emotionally. A couple of weeks agao, on the vernal equinox, she lowered the boom. She said she needed for once in her life to not be in a relationship, to be just by herself. Long story short, we ended the relationship, and my heart lies in ruins and ashes. I need songs that can help me mend my shattered heart. Can you help?
