The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #32773   Message #434957
Posted By: Joe Offer
06-Apr-01 - 08:49 PM
Thread Name: Digitrad for Mac
Subject: RE: Digitrad for Mac
Well, it's the same guy, Mark Heiman, who's working on both the Mac and Windows versions of the Digital Tradition. You can get the Windows CD from Dick Greenhaus if you send him five bucks. It works dandy for some people, but it crashes my computer. It looks like it will be an extraordinary program, once Mark gets all the bugs out.
I don't know what the status is for the Mac update, but I do know that Mac has just brought out yet another operating system, and that it has compatibility issues with previous operating systems.
I can't say this for sure, but I believe that the UNIX version of the database is ASCII, and you should be able to get it to work on any computer - if you know what you're doing. We do have a problem, in that all our technical people - Max and Dick and Mark - are all working stiffs. They have to but the Mudcat and the Digital Tradition second on their list. You people with old Macs can still download the Mac version of the database, but I guess it's best to suggest that the rest of us be patient and use the online edition of the database.
-Joe Offer-