The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #32885   Message #435224
Posted By: GUEST,emily rain
07-Apr-01 - 12:02 PM
Thread Name: Obscure Blues Question: Geechie
Subject: RE: Obscure Blues Question: Geechie
geechie (also gullah) is a name for the languages of the south carolina sea islands, a mix of english and west african languages created by the slaves who were left to farm the islands pretty much on their own (apparantly the whitefolks couldn't stand the mosquitoes).

here's a link, the first okay one i found on altavista.

there's a great movie called "daughters of the dust" about a gullah family, acted in the gullah language.

also there's a documentary and damn if i can remember the name of it... a couple of ethnomusicologists traced a children's song from the sea islands all the way back to a tiny village in africa, thereby uniting the distant african relations of an afro-american family. fascinating. i'm gonna try and find the name of that documentary for you.
