The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #32563   Message #435284
Posted By: GUEST,re:Getting a tax cut whether you want it or
07-Apr-01 - 01:21 PM
Thread Name: BS: Bushwhacked-NINE!
Subject: RE: BS: Bushwhacked-NINE!
Apparently anyone who still has a job when G Hoover Bush's reforms are complete will be slightly better off. They can buy a new water hose for the yard! They might need that too as Utilities are nearly treble the price they used be.

However for those who do not have a job, including DITTO Heads, the tax cuts are no use at all.

On a happier note, the Mexicans now feeling sorry for their American neighbors are now having second thoughts about the so called 'Agricultural' provisions - especially where the houses where they used stay are becomming so fire prone.

So it seems the 30s are upon us again despite the valiant efforts of a well intentioned but totaly misinformed Wall Street. The Bushies want MicroSoft etc- at their price not Bill Gates', so it seems the old guard, i.e people who's parents or grandparents used own America will wrench control of everything from Beer Distribution to Silicon, but I could be wrong. If you have Stocks that means the Bushies will eraze the value until they are worth virtually nothing then they will buy them from you, doing you, by the way, a big favor Pal!

Right wing? Hardly they have yet to send you, or your brother, father or sister, mother etc to a concentration camp. Course this is already being arranged in certain states where there are in place wierd laws and Private Custodial Corporations. The reader should already know which these are, all Republican ......Another policy now slightly dangerous, War, would have the same effect, you dead, but could so easily destroy everything including the entire Planet, even GW knows this! So it will be that last thing they do when all else fails.

So in effect they want to take your MONEY, your JOB, your PROPERTY, your FAMILY and last your LIFE. The service workers are to be brought in from Mexico @3 bucks an hour and here is the rub - these people will have no rights at all, none. So if they cause any problems - adios!

Dear MAV I do not want or need a Tax Cut. Anyone who has more than they need already does not unless they are greedy!