The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #32869   Message #436207
Posted By: Dave the Gnome
09-Apr-01 - 05:34 AM
Thread Name: Help: Eliza Carthy gravely ill ??
Subject: RE: Help: Eliza Carthy gravely ill ??
I remember bumping into Martin Carthy in Bacup during the Brittania 'Nutters thing many years ago and judging by the way he had sprogs hanging onto every limb and more besides I guess Eliza comes from a big family!

Only remembered coz the Brittania 'do' is this Saturday - funny how the old addled brain works init?

Comiserations to Eliza if it is Asthma. As a fellow sufferer I know what it is like - although I am a lot better now and I'm sure Eliza will get better in the long run. Playing in smokey folk clubs must be a nightmare for her - I can choose to leave if it's too bad but when you do it for a living...!

Wonder if folk/blues/jazz artists will ever get compensation for smoking related diseases - like mill workers for pneumonicosis or miners for silicosis etc.? Have I got the right diseases for the right jobs btw?

Anyway, hope she gets better soon.


Dave the Gnome